Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 2
Wayzata's Best of Shareware 2.0 (Windows) (Wayzata Technology)(7112)(1994).bin
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Text File
191 lines
| Colorado Utilities Fast Text Find (CF)
| by
| Fred C. Hill
| Micro System Solutions
| 5417 S. Cimarron Rd.
| Littleton CO 80123
| 1-(303) 795-7653
| 1-(800) 421-1789 (orders)
Many times I've looked for a lost file and after hours of looking
I still couldn't remember where it was or even if I was looking
for the correct file. But I can always remember that certain word
or phrase that makes that file the one I want to find.
Colorado Utilities Fast Text Find (CF) does that work of searching
my disk for me. It will find a lost file or in the case of a text
file will search that file for the word or phrase I'm looking for.
CF is started from the command line. If you type CF by itself, it
will display a short help screen and halt. The full command syntax
CF [Options] [d:][path\][mask] [MatchString]
/C Make search case sensitive.
/F Show file names only.
/I Include excluded files in search. (ver 1.1)
/S Search all subdirectories.
[d:] specify the disk to search.
[path\] specify the path to search.
[mask] specify the file or group of files to search.
Specifies the text search string that CF should look for.
If no match string is given CF will report files only.
Specific characters may be included by keying the decimal
character equivalent. exp #041 will search for a right
parenthesis. (words or phrases containing a period must
be enclosed in quotes)
In version 1.1 an option was changed to allow for a user defined
file exclusion list. This list is contained in the file CFIGNORE.DAT
and consists of file extentions which should be bypassed during
normal scanning. Adding the /I parameter to the command line will
include these files in the scan.
CF writes the file names as they are encountered. If a match
occurs it also writes the line number and the matching line
to the screen. By default, CF ignores case while searching and
excludes most binary files such as EXE, COM, OBJ, WKS, etc
When using the /F option, CF will write only the file name of
the matching file.
When using the /I option, CF will include all files in the
search, including those in the exclude (ignore) list.
When using the /S option, CF will search the current directory
and all subordinate subdirectories.
When you include the [d:][path\][mask] option, CF will begin
the search on the drive, and in the path designated and will
only look at [mask] files. the default [mask] is *.*.
When searching for a word you only have to include the word
on the command line. If you are searching for a string of
words or letters containing spaces or a period then you must
enclose the phase in either single or double quotes " ". If
you wish to include control characters or extended ASCII
characters, enter the character using the notation #nnn, nnn
is the decimal number specifying the ASCII code. CF does not
check for text occurrences which span lines.
CF /S *.DOC Simple
Searches all DOC files in the current and subordinate
directories for files containing the word SIMPLE. The search
will be case insensitive.
CF /S /C \*.DOC Simple
The same search, except that only files and lines containing
the case sensitive 'Simple' will be reported and the search
will be performed on the entire default disk.
CF /S d:\T??.DOC
Report any three letter filename with an extension of DOC on
drive D:.
CF /F /I #13#12
Searches files, including those in the ignore list, in the current
directory for an ASCII 13 followed by an ASCII 12 (carriage
return/line feed)
CF "Micro System Solutions"
Searches all text files in the current directory for the phase
"Micro System Solutions". Since the phrase contains spaces it
must be surrounded by single or double quotes.
Ignored files in ver 1.2 file CFIGNORE.DAT. This file may be anywhere on the
DOS Path or the current directory.
BIN - Binary files
BMP - Windows bitmap files
COM - Executable files
DLL - Windows common executable files
DSK - Turbo Pascal Desktop files
EXE - Executable files
ICO - Windows ICon files
LIB - C Libraries
LZH - Compression library
LZS - Compression library
OBJ - Object file
OVL - Executable overlay
OVR - Executable overlay
PAK - Compression library
RES - Windows Resource file
SFL - Font File (Landscape)
SFP - Font File (portrait)
TPL - Turbo Pascal Library
TPM - Turbo Pascal Map File
TPP - Turbo Pascal Protected Unit File
TPU - Turbo Pascal Real Mode Unit FIle
TPW - Turbo Pascal Windows Unit File
WKS - Spreadsheet file
ZIP - Compression File
ZOO - Compression File
You may add to this list as you see fit. Anything in this list will be
ignored by the CF program.
Name: ------------------------------------------------------
Address: ---------------------------------------------------
City: ---------------------------- State: ---- Zip: --------
Phone: ( ) -------------------------------
Credit card: type - Visa Mastercard
Card number: ------------------------------ expires ---/---
Name on card: ---------------------------------------------
CuFind latest version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 24.00
Includes the following..
Current disk direct from author
Shipping and handling
Telephone support
Notification of further upgrades and
Colorado residents include 3% state tax and
appropriate local tax. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ -----
Total included . . . . . . . . .$ -----
Order in one of three ways... Fill out this form and mail to:
Micro System Solutions
5417 S. Cimarron Rd.
Littleton, CO 80123
- or -
Call 1-(800) 421-1789 or 1-(300) 795-7653 (credit card orders)
- or-
Leave a Compuserve cMail (Compuserve Mail) message for
Micro System Solutions (Fred C. Hill PPN 76060,102) with all
of the information above. (credit card orders or information
only please, DO NOT leave messages with credit card numbers
in the forum areas)